Audrey Shishkov Church Autocephaly Through the Lens of Carl Schmitt’s Theory of Sovereignty Andrey Shishkov — Research Fellow of the Sst. Cyril and Methodius Post-Graduate Institute of the Russian Orthodox Church; Consultant of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow, Russia). The article discusses the issue of the church autocephaly through the leus of the Carl Schmitt’s theory of sovereignty. It starts from the premise that the concept of autocephaly is synonymous with sovereignty iu the area of the inter-Orthodox relations. He uses Carl Schmitt’s concept of sovereignty-as-exception as an analytical tool seeing proclamation of autocephaly by a local church as introducing a state…
Спорные экклезиологические вопросы повестки Всеправославного собора и проблема верховной власти в Православной церкви
Andrey Shishkov Controversial Ecclesiological Issues of the Pan-Orthodox Council Agenda and the Question of Sovereign Power in the Orthodox Church Andrey Shishkov — Sts. Cyril and Methodius Post-Graduate Institute of the Russian Orthodox Church; Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow). The article discusses ecclesiological issues that were included in the agenda of Pan-Orthodox Council but found no solution in the pre-conciliar debates: the Orthodox Diaspora; proclamation of autocephaly; the role of the Diptychs. The author then examines the issue of primacy in the Universal Church. All these questions can be combined and connected with the issue of the supreme or sovereign power in the…